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Firmware Update

DDJ-1000 Firmware Update Guide

A. Checking the current firmware version of DDJ-1000

  1. Connect your DDJ-1000 to your computer using a USB cable.

  2. . Launch the Driver Version Display Utility or Settings Utility.
    For Mac:
    1. In Finder, open the [Applications] folder.
    2. Click [Pioneer] > [DDJ-1000] > [DDJ-1000 Driver Version Display Utility].

    ・For Windows 10:
    In the Windows [Start] menu, click [Pioneer] > [DDJ-1000 Settings Utility].
    ・ For Windows 8.1:
    In [Apps view], click [Pioneer] > [DDJ-1000 Settings Utility].
    ・ For Windows 7:
    In the Windows [Start] menu, click [All Programs] > [Pioneer] > [DDJ-1000] > [DDJ-1000 Settings Utility].

  3. Check the Firmware Version in the Settings Utility
    The firmware version is displayed in the [About] tab. (The figure below is a Mac version)

B. Checking the downloaded file

  1. Unzip the downloaded file.

    ・ For Mac:
    Save the downloaded file [] to an arbitrary folder such as desk top and unzip it. The [DDJ-1000_vxxx_MAC.dmg] file is generated when the file is unzipped and then double click it to mount.

    ・ For Windows:
    Save the downloaded file [] to an arbitrary folder such as desk top and unzip it.

  2. Check the unzipped file.
    ・ For Mac: The [DDJ-1000_vxxx_MAC] folder is generated when the file is extracted. Please ensure the following file is included in the folder. []

    ・ For Windows: The [DDJ-1000_vxxx_WIN] folder is generated when the file is unzipped. Please ensure the following file is included in the folder. [DDJ-1000_vxxx.exe]

    ✓ xxx is numerical characters of the new firmware version.
    ✓ Depending on your computer settings, the extension such as .exe or .app may not be displayed.

C. Preparing for the update on the DDJ-1000

  1. Connect the DDJ-1000 to your computer.
    Connect your DDJ-1000 to your computer using a USB cable.
    (Connect the USB cable to the USB-A terminal of the DDJ-1000.)

  2. Turn on the power of the DDJ-1000.
    Press the power button on the rear panel of the DDJ-1000 to turn on the power.

D. Updating the firmware through your computer

  1. Updating procedures.

    Before updating, close all the applications running on the computer.

    <STEP1> Open the updater program.
    ・ For Mac:
    Double click [].

    ・ For Windows:
    Double click [DDJ-1000_vxxx.exe].

    <STEP2> Open the updater program.
    Select a language you want to use and click “OK”.
    ✓ Please refer to “Tips: When [Your DDJ-1000 is not recognized] is shown during updating the firmware” in a later section if the same message is popped up after clicking “OK”.

    <STEP3> Open the updater program.

    Ensure that the version is x.xx. Click “Start”. (The figure below is an example.)
    Do not disconnect the power cable and the USB cable during the update.
    Please use an AC adaptor to power your laptop during update.

    <STEP4> During the Update

    Please wait until the progress bar reaches to the right end.

    While the update is in progress, the red at the top of the master level indicator flashes and the second and lower green, orange and red are lit in sequence.

    <STEP5> The update process is complete.

    When all the LEDs of the master level indicator on DDJ-1000 are lit, the firmware update is complete. If the message below is displayed, click “OK”.

    <STEP6> Reboot the DDJ-1000.

    After the update is complete, the DDJ-1000 will automatically reboot.

E. Checking the firmware version

Check the firmware version of the DDJ-1000 as described in “A. Checking the current firmware version of DDJ-1000”. When you find the version you wanted, the firmware update is successfully complete.

Tips: When [Your DDJ-1000 is not recognized] is shown during updating the firmware.

When the following message appears after selecting a language, check the following tips.


・ Is the USB cable connected to the USB-A terminal? If it is not connected, connect the cable to the USB-A port and start the updating steps from the beginning again.

・ When the above message appears even if the cable is connected to the USB-A terminal, please follow the steps below.

  1. Uninstall the driver software of the DDJ-1000.
    How to uninstall the driver software:

    ✓ For Mac users: Double click the driver software and then double click [DDJ-1000]. Follow the instructions on your computer after this.

    ✓ For Windows users: Click [Start] menu > [Control panel] > [Programs and Features]. Then right-click [DDJ -1000 Driver]. Click [Uninstall] in the context menu.

    The latest driver software is available from the following link.

  2. Update the firmware again from the beginning.

  3. After completing the firmware update, install the driver software again.
    Please see the Operating Instructions to learn how to install the driver software.

Tips: How to cope with abnormal termination:

If the following message appears during the update, turn off the power of the DDJ-1000 and then restart the update from “C. Preparing for the update on the DDJ-1000” of the above updating procedures. When the update is abnormally terminated, the DDJ-1000 may launch in firmware update mode with the red at the top of the master level indicator flashing. In this case, please restart the update from ”D. Updating the firmware through your computer” of the above updating procedures.


Tips: If you are still unable to update the firmware:

  1. Turn on the power while holding down [SLIP REVERSE] and [4BEAT LOOP/EXIT] on the left deck.
    The red at the top of the master level indicator will start flashing and the DDJ-1000 will launch in firmware update mode.
  2. Restart the update from ”D. Updating the firmware through your computer” of the above updating procedure.

[Reference information]

This updater program has been verified to operate on the operating systems below:


macOS High Sierra 10.13 / macOS Sierra 10.12 / OS X 10.11 / OS X 10.10


Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 7 Approximately 5 minutes is required for the update.

The images shown in this Guide may not be the same as the current ones.


About Trademarks and Registered Trademarks

・ Pioneer DJ is a trademark of PIONEER CORPORATION, and is used under license.
・ Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
・ Mac, macOS, OS X and Finder are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
・ Other stated company names, product names, technology names, etc. are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

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Pioneer DJ Corporation 6F, Yokohama i-Mark Place, 4-4-5 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0012 Japan

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