You’ll be able to deactivate a device/computer from your rekordbox license key by following the steps below:
NB: After deactivating your device from your license key, the details will be removed from your AlphaTheta account. So make sure you always keep a copy of the license key and store it somewhere safe.
- Open your rekordbox ver. 5 software;
- On the top-left corner, click File and select Preferences;
- On the new window, select your License tab. Next, select the license you wish to deactivate on your device and click Deactivate;
- Click Deactivate to complete the process;
Once you deactivate a device/computer from your rekordbox license, the license will be returned to the server, and it will be able to be used on another computer.
In case you have been unable to deactivate your license key
check our next article I have been unable to deactivate my rekordbox license key on rekordbox ver. 5. Can you help?
- and reach out to us via our contact form with the information requested.